Eco-Friendly Unit

Oceanaire is a Prime example of how Green Technology is both accessible and achievable for New Residential developments — it is a Groundbreaking building

What is Double Glazing?
 Double glazing is a process wherein the window is made of two panes of glass with some space left in between them. This space is usually around a few millimeters and air is trapped between these two panes. This air is likely to provide some insulation. Some drying agent is also added to ensure that there isn’t any moisture trapped between the two panes of the glass. The main purpose of using double glazing is that the buffer area and the two panes of glass provide better protection against the temperature outside and  can cut down on noise pollution. 

What Are the Benefits of Double Glazing?

Double glazing is a great addition to your Condo Unit for many reasons.  Sure, it can be expensive to install but the benefits over a long-term period more than pays for it.

First, you can cut insulation costs through double glazing.  During cold seasons, it insulates the heat inside the Unit and prevents said heat from escaping, hence, saving money on gas costs.
During hot seasons, it prevents the sun’s ray from entering and heating up the room, thus, saving on electricity expenses.  Either season, you will feel comfortable inside your Unit while your bank account maintains a comfortable margin.  Estimates place savings at approximately 10-12 percent per year, which means that the cost of installation will pay for itself!

Second, and in consequence to the first reason, you are doing your part in saving the environment.  Since you are using up lesser energy, you are also reducing your carbon footprint upon the planet.  Plus, your home reduces its carbon dioxide emissions, too!

Third, you can cut down on noise pollution.  This is a great feature especially when you live in big-city apartments where the noise of traffic from down below and the noise of your metal music-loving neighbor from above can be filtered out.

, double glazing adds value to your Unit.  Since it comes in many designs and colors, you can easily make it part of your home’s aesthetic appeal instead of just serving a utilitarian function.  Ultimately, if you decide to sell your eco-friendly Unit, you can ask for a higher price, thanks in part to double glazing.

, you can make double glazing part of your Condo security system.  It cannot be easily broken due to the nature of its construction, hence, burglars will have a difficult time gaining illegal access to your Unit.

Your sun-exposed furniture and drapes are better protected from the fading effects of sunlight as these windows filter out the ultraviolet rays.  Of course, such a filtering action also means that your skin is protected from these harmful cancer-causing rays of the sun while you are relaxing inside your eco-friendly Residential Unit.

Your Unit will be better protected from the noise coming in from outside sources.  This is because of the inherent sound insulation of these energy efficient windows.